

国際関係学科 って結局なんやったん? / What did you learn in the department of IR then?







You know, university is often called as JUST A PLACE TO PREPARE FOR A JOB in Japan... Well, for me these days, I am gradually figuring out my learning through fives years in the department of International Relations. Moreover, just recently, I got to know what is "International Relations" actually. (I know it is kind of late though) Me, who were (are now, too!) eager to work in the filed of so-called international coopeation, once thought that I might have been chosen the department in a wrong way while seeing those doing international cooperation as a profession.



But now I can say, this study to capture the international society from the various aspects such as economics, politcs, culture etc... shaped me now and I am so greatful for it. There were many times that I looked into me myself deeper and deeper while learning about things outside of my home country. I tried to be active on things throughout these five years, and I had many opportunities to learn from the activities. I am always thankful for eveyone who have given me many chances.


世界の構造を捉える勉強が多かったからか、いかに自分がこの構造の中に居て、被害者となる場面もあれば加害者ともなっていることに気づかされました。BLMあたりでよく耳にするようになった(と思う)マイクロアグレッションとか、そういうあたりの話しです。それからはほんと、「あ、これは」と思っては修正する、の繰り返しでした。ガンディーの名言に"You must be the change you wish to see the world. (あなたが見たい変化にあなた自身がなりなさい)"と言うものがありますが、世界を見つめながら、「こんな社会になればいいな」と思いつつ、自分からまずは変えていく。自分の足元や、その周りからもっと良くしていく。そういう風に意識を向けられるようになったのは、明らかに国際関係学科での学びがあってこそだな、と思います。

Studying International Relations made me realize where I am standing in this complex society, and how I can be a victim for certain issue, and how I can also be an offender

for certain issue too. It is closely related to microagression, probably you have heard about it from Black Lives Matter, I guess.  Since then, I am making mistakes, and fix them. Again and again. There is a famous quotes from Gandhi saying "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Make changes whithin myself, while also seeing the world, and imaging the society that I wish to have. This development of my mindset, I surely owe to the study of International Relations.



"University students are in a summer vacation of the life", is the popular expression to describe university students in Japan. But I think the timw in the university is the time for you to deepen your thoughts over and over.



I knew that my academic score(expect for English I hope!) was not sufficient to get into the university by the ordinary test. I entered this university by the interview, essay, and an English exam only. Yet, the study at the university was not about what I had been doing by the time in high school. To seek the answer to the issue with no definite correct answer was sometimes hard, however, I felt happy when I found how far I came while being surrounded by fantastic friends. 



I will graduate from the university soon (if my dissertation passes...), and will be working in a company. I hope that I will keep learning and trying to work on things with no correct answer.














特にクラウドファンディングを友達と立ち上げた時なんかはいろいろと温かみを感じさせられる瞬間になったなあと。昨今、なかなか社会情勢が厳しくなっていくなかでも着実に社会を良くしていく光はこうやって照らされていることへの安心感のような、そんな気持ちを持っていました。なんかつらつら書いてると勉強してないように見えますけどちゃんとしてます。笑 卒論も今書いてます。






世界へ、友達へ、そして私へ。/ Dear the world, my friends and ME


"Great thing takes time" -Buddha




On 30th September, 2019. I landed on Kigali international airport from Kansai Internationla airport, via Haneda airport and Doha. I started my life in Rwanda with excitement for the new life and learning.


改めて自己紹介させて頂きます。神戸市外国語大学 国際関係学科所属です。3年時休学でルワンダにやって参りました。大学ではイベント企画したり、とあるNGOの学生支部に入って家を建てるボランティアをしたり、アジア地域の高校生が議論するサミットでのファシリテーターやったり通訳やったり。はたまた思い付きでマダガスカルにフランス語留学しに行ったり。色々と手広く経験しながら、自分の進みたい方向を模索していました。私はどんな大人になりたいのだろう?どんな社会で生きていきたいのだろう?高校2年生の時、カンボジアに1週間滞在してから、カンボジア大虐殺のことを勉強してから、平和な社会を作ることに興味を持ち、気づけば国際関係を勉強していました。

Let me introduce myself again. I am a student at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, in the department of International Relations. By taking one year off at the year of three, I came to Rwanda. At the university, I organized some events, I joined an volunteer organization, the student branch of certain NGO to support those who does not have decent place to live. I joined as a facilitator and a translator in the summit for high school students coming from all around Asia. I went to Madagascar to study French. I experienced many, while asking myself that what kind of person I am going to be, and in what kind of society I want to live? 

I started to be intrested in Peace and Conflict thing, after visiting Cambodia and stayed there for one week to learn about Cambodian genocide. That was when I was 17 years old when I was in high school. Then I found myself studying about International Relations later at the university.



Being a student in Internationl Relations makes me face many realities of the earth which is so much painful. Yeah, I belived that to build peace is possible, but still there are wars, violence, exploitation etc... International cooperation, which became difficult because of seeking of the wealth and power. I do not wish to lose hope for peace, but I started to doubt that is peace really possible to attain? With this kind of mindset, I started my study in Rwanda about Peace and Conflict.






Security? Negative peace and Positive Peace? SDGs? International Cooperation? Dependence theory?

Yeah of course I know all since I study International Relations!!

But, i started to wonder well, what is peaceful society then? 





Half of the year, I studied on campus and the rest online. I studied with students coming from Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, Cameroon, South Sudan, Nigeria, Malawi, Ghana and Uganda. 



This diversity is one of the biggest reason of why I wanted to study here in Rwanda. I wanted to study about Peace and Conflict, while seeing what is actually going on now in this country which experienced genocide in 1994 and still on the way to reconciliation and the peaceful society. And I wanted to study with friends who are coming from the countries which still are walking towards peace.



Together with wonderful friends, I studied about peace from various aspects. I took the course of, the basics for peace studies, conflict analysis, Human rights and conflict, global governance, conflict sensitivity development, peace education, globalization and development, to design peace building project, Non Violent Communication, negotiation and mediation, Nonviolence and the course about reconciliation using the case of Rwandan genocide. 



I realized that, Peace studies is not only about war, which seems too much difficult to learn. Peace studies, such as Non Violent Communication, Negotiation ,and Mediation is also Peace Studies relating to our daily lives.


We can change the society nonviolently, or rather, We can change the society because it is nonviolent. I learned through getting knowledge about nonviolent movements which were done, or became successful, and knowing the non violent movement which is ongoing. Of course, It is taking time, it must be creative, and of course, it is too much difficult. But still it is possible.


Reconciliation is NOT ”to forget", NOT "just the end of conflict", NOT "to dismiss offenders out of the community", and NOT "the things done by force". It is not JUST a process for something, but rather, it is life-taking, it is more like how to live after experiencing that painful past.



Through my study about peace, peace building through our daily lives, the possibility of Nonviolence and about reconciliation... these things were so much striking me. I studied these kind with friends by discussing about it. Reflecting back my memory, I think I studied by outputting views rather inputting the knowledge. I was so much impressed how much my friends were motivated and keen on social problems. I remember many times, me and my friends discussed about many issues happening in the society.




Being a woman from East Asia. To live as minority, became the big motivation for me to study and know more about the society.




I also wrote in the other article about how difficult to live as women. I experienced difficult situation just because I am women, who are coming from East Asia. and many times, I was targeted for the discrimination on COVID-19 things. Of course, I knew that discrimination should be gone from the society even before. But to be minority, gave me chance to feel it really strongly. 



"African girl!" "Japanese African!" "You are African" "You are now Rwandan, then you don't have to go back to Japan!"




My friends said these above to me. Thank you so so much. That is because I am Malleable Mutsumi, and surprisingly, my family name sounds Rwandan or Burundian. 

But still, here in Rwanda, here in Africa, I AM SEEN AS SOMEONE TOTALLY DIFFERENT.


勿論いい経験とは言いませんが、そのおかげて不思議と世界で、アフリカで、そして日本で虐げられている人たちのことをより考えるようになりました。そしてそんな世界の不条理に怒りを持つようになりました。出国前に外大の先生に教えて頂いたデニ・ムクウェゲ氏の言葉、「大学とは怒りを見つける場だ」を何度も何度も思い出しました。友人とそんな「怒り」に対して語ることもありました。滞在中にはBlack Lives Matterの運動が活発になりました。アフリカの地から世界を捉えなおすことによって見えてきた怒りもあります。

I can't say this is the favorable experience. But because of this, I started to be more keen on those who are peripherized in the community, and I started to being more angry about the injustices around the world. While I was in Rwanda, I many times remember the word by Dr. Denis Mukwege, "University is where you find anger towards social injustices". This is the word my teacher in KCUFS taught me before going to Rwanda. Many times, I talked about that anger, with my friends at PIASS. There was Black Lives Matter while I was in Rwanda. I could see anger by capturing the world from Africa, again.



I am not just angry. Rather, I am going to see how to deal with this anger for the better future. I think, this is International Relations which I am majoring, Peace Studies which I did in Rwanda, and how to live life as a person.





And. Friends here in PIASS welcome me as like a family. You know, me, who is seen as someone totally different in the society.



Americanized English. Fast speaking which is difficult to catch. Living outside PIASS alone. I was like that. But still, they became my good and best friends. I invited them at my place, they invited me for their home. I joined in basketball with boys in the hostel. I had dinner or lunch together, I went for coffee together, I was invited for events in the hostel many many times. There is a friend who call me Mutzig since Mutsumi, my name is sounding so close. Because of that name I came to like that Mutzig, beer. Then to me who is missing that beer after coming back to Japan, many of you... sent me pictures of Mutzig and you guys made me really jealous lol lol 


私はとても愛情表現が苦手です。でも不思議ととても仲良くなった人が多かった。なんで仲良くなったのかわからない人が結構多い。それに気づいたのが新型コロナウイルスの影響によってみんなと離れ離れになってしまった留学後半。やっぱり人間って失わないと気づかない生き物なんでしょうかね。それからは割と積極的に「あなたと関わりたいです!」「あなたと仲良くなりたいです!」っていう感じを出していったような記憶があります。もっともっとコミュニケーションをオンラインでもオフラインでも取るようにしました。色んな側面を出したおかげか彼らが私を表す言葉がGangだのThe StrongestだのWith Big VoiceだのThe First Francophone JapaneseだのOsakanだの色々誕生しました。愛し愛されることの幸せを非常に強く感じていました。

I am not good at expressing love for others (for friends I mean). But good thing, I became good friends with many without knowing why. I realized that I am so much loved, when we were separeted because of COVID-19. Ohh. human is the one who cannot realize what is important until they miss it!! Then after that, I had much more communication with friends either online or off line. Thanks to that, there are now many words describing me.. lol , Gang, the strongest, with big voice, the first francophone japanese, Osakan...etc... lol I felt so so much happy with loving and being loved, being surrounded by many many wonderful friends.




Reflecting back my study abroad affected by COVID-19, there are friends I missed the chance to see again before going back, there are friends I was supposed to meet physically if there were no corona, I wanted to attend genocide commemoration, and there are several activities I missed... But under this situation, our bond became much much stronger, by trying to make our lives much better with creativity.

Well, yeah, it is true that there are things I missed to do in Rwanda. Then, I need to be back for sure.




In this one year in Rwanda, I learned a lot about Peace, from the courses at PIASS. to live as minority, to live together under the severe situation. And now I can say, "Anything is possible. Peace is possible to attain."



I know it is still quite a difficult thing to do. But I found a hope for the future by seeking the way to peace together with friends experienced the painful past, coming from war affetcted area, where Japanese govenment puts level 3 or 4 for its security alart. And we are also studying together, Japanese, who are coming from the society, currently without the war, but with many issues in the society to solve. Not only depending on what comes from outside, WE OURSELVES are the peacebuilders. We are still working and studying for peace by ourselves together, and if it spreads to the more, to attain peace is possible although it is so much difficult. 



I, myself, sees conflict resolution and peace building is like an activity to resolve tangled threads. Seeing from far, it is just a thing seems IMPOSSIBLE. Conflict between ethnic groups, religions, the exploitation of the resources and the difference of creed etc.. Yeah, it seems impossible. But by getting a knowledge and infomation, little by little, "How it became like that?" "Where did that happen?" "How we can resolve?" "From where we start?" Asking these, making much efforts. By these, we finally resolve the tangled threads. Which is, conflict. 




Peace building is very difficult activity. But, anyone can be a peacebuilder from the certain aspects. I realized that point as important in this one year.




Dear Me, who became skeptical about the possibility of the attainment of peace,

You will be able to find hope for peace through seeing things from different viewpoints, feeling bitter and finding difficulity to build peace. You will spend fantastic life together with your friends, and you will feel that you wish to work together with friends at PIASS for peace someday.



Your journey did not end. Mutsumi, rather, you are back on the start line towards "peace."


ありがとうございました,Thank you so much, Merci beaucoup, Asante sana, Shukran, それから Murakoze cyane.


ドタバタ帰国劇/ Who did expect that returning home is the hardest thing out of everything?





Wow, more than one month has passed after I came back to Japan.

My plan was, to write a blog about how I felt during this one year in Rwanda, but still, it hasn't done yet. Well, just to remember how I wrote things, I am reporting my hardest journey in my life to return back to my home.




After coming back in Japan, hectic life was waiting for me. On returning day, I had a meeting up to midnight. I perpared to open an online store, taught friends Japanese, joined in zoom conference for 12hours and became a facilitator for 8hours respectively for two days. These days, stiff shoulders and fatigue with my eyes are the problems with me.



But! I am so grateful that I could have been given opportunities to do some works while staying at home since I don't want to go outside frequently. Yeah and I also did self-quarantine for 2weeks! One month has passed, yet, still there are many many friends who are still texting or having a call with me! Big love to all of you!




On 11th september, me and my friend left Huye, where we stayed.




Around that time in Rwanda, pubic transportation from anywhere to Kigali, capital city was suspended, Bar, club and gyms were closed and curfew was there. And right before the returning day to Japan, curfew time became 10pm to 7pm. I still remember, around that time, people were rushing to be in their home before the time. 




Well, I was a bit sad about this time actually, you know. Well, anyways.




My friend carried my heavy heavy suite case on his head!! You are physically stronger than me of course, but what is astonishing is that your balance. If I did the same, my neck would be splited into two.





Then, after saying good-bye to my friends, I left Huye.




Before noon, we arrived at Kigali and we took PCR test which is needed to be back. 

And, first problem came to us here....

We have gotten the information that we just need to take PCR test 24hours before the depature. BUT



 Receptionist"We can't accept you, because you need to take PCR test 48 hours before your depature."

…Excuse me?




Oh my god. OH MY GOD. We could change the date of flight, if we can contact to the traveling company on this day.

But in this situation of COVID-19, the next flight available was in a following week.

Another one came to me and my friend,who were confused so much.



"There is a possibility that your result might been issued in 24hours. There is also a possibility that this would be much later whithin 48hours You are going tomorrow, right? There is a risk. Please think about it once."




Actually our answer was yes, we will take that risk since we might lose chance to be back with the reserved ticket if we tested to be positive. Then another problem followed...



We had to pay $50 for the test by banking, credit card or mobile money. My friend payed in the back and I paid by visa card. He showed a bank receipt but I had nothing to show, only the SMS message. I asked "How can I show you that I paid? I paid with VISA card"



"We don't accept Visa."





I was like "I paid! This is the Visa card I used!" At the same time, that another person was telling something. Then he said "Ok, tell me your number of paying"



"Oh, there is"



Well, anyways.... I took PCR test and I was about to vomit by that... I NEVER want to take this again definetly.... After finishing the test, me and my friend left the test center, complaining so much about it together.



On 13th september. Flight was to leave in the evening, so for me, it was needed to get the result at least around noon. My friend got it at 8am. SMS messege was sent to his number. Fortunately, he was tested to be negative. From that time, I had been seeing my smatphone.







9am, nothing. 9:10, nothing.9:30,nothing.10am,nothing. 10:30, nothing.....



"If I can't go back to Japan because of this test, it's surely a nice idea to have Agatogo(Rwandan stew) in Huye!!" I said, but I was worried toooooooo much.

Ticket costed me $1,400. It was not emergency flight and it was cheaper than that, but still, very expensive for me. There was a possibility that my ticket, $1,400 could be nothing.




For me that was what I was worried about the most out of everything I had exerienced there. In the room I stayed, I called and texted to my friends... I couldn't stop crying out of worries. Well, I am so grateful for your warm support for sure...!



To push, I headed to the test center around 11:30. Again I was complaining complaining.





Me"I need to be back to Japan by this flight departing 8pm today. My friend who took test at that same time already got the result."

Person at the center "Chill, chill. What is your problem?"

Me "I would like you to check that my result is.....


ピーーン (iPhoneの着信音)

Beep sound from iphone






Me "Oops, sorry, it has just arrived...!"




 Well fortunately the result was negative! Smile cae back to my face, and finally, with relieve, I could meet with my friends living in Kigali.




"アフリカンタイム"だけは適応できないです。( ;∀;)

I talked about what had happened then my friend said "You are African right? This is African time, you know!! lol" I was many times said to be African because of my family name sounding like Rwandan or Burundian, my face or my skin.

One of the thing I didn't take inside myself was, African time for sure. lol



With relief, we finally got to the airport and said goodbye to Dr.Sasaki and Ms.Megumi





At the airport,

I was allowed to bring a suitcase with 23kg. But mine was with 25kg! 

I knew and I was ready to pay the extra fee for that. But...








Personnel at the airport "Could you open your suitcase?"


Personnel "Could you just move your laggage a bit to your another bag?"

Me "No I can't. Sorry, there is no space in there. I will pay for the extra."

Personnel "No! You don't have to pay that much! Just try!"

Me "Okay.."






I moved some clothes from my suitcase to backpack then,

25kg to 24.8kg ! Wow! only 200g !!!!!!!!!!! Obviously not enough!!!!!!!

But I didn't have to pay for the extra, thank you so much. lol





Right before the depature, messages, and calls. I was already feeling of missing everyone and everything in Rwanda. Our flight had left first to Dar es salaam. There was no flight meal which me and my friend longed for. We complained again. lol (It was our fault that we didn't check it beforehand.) 



From Dar es salaam to Amsterdam. We were always looking around "Europe", which is totally different from Africa. Then from Amsterdam to Kansai International Airport, Osaka.




On 14th september, at the Kansai International Airport, I again took PCR test. This time I had to take my saliva into test tube. There was a picture of lemon and sour pickled plum in front of me to get much saliva.



It was funny to see, actually. 



Then I submitted that, waited for around one hour and got negative result for COVID-19. So finally, I said good-bye to my friend who spent a precious time in Huye together and my quarantine life had started.





I am surprised to find my memory of returning back still vivid. I still remember a samosa was for 1500 rwf ($15) at the airport, while in town, that's for 100rwf ($1). 

I am now regretting that I couldn't keep wrting this blog because of my depression due to COVID-19.. But now I think I have time now, so maybe I start writing again like before.

My senior at the university whom I respect sooo much once told me to continue writing after the study abroad in Madagascar(actually I started this blog when I was planning to go to Madagascar for studying french). Maybe, I will continue this by writing whatever.



Soon, I will write about how i felt and what I learned while I was there.



À plus!

女として生きるって大変だ / Being a woman is challenging





Long time...! Actually more than one month passed from the last blog. When will the next aricle be ... 

Recently in Rwanda, cluster of COVID-19 was happened in districts on the border with Burundi, and two people passed away because of COVID-19. May their souls rest in peace.

Maybe some of you saw my frustrations to gender issue from my tweeter, then I am now writing this blog, not to forget about my anger. 



woman holding paper with metoo sign written

"Hey beutiful, Come here! hahahaha"



In the world where there are inequalities between men and women, I found how hard to live as a woman. Even here in Africa, it is difficult to live as a woman.






ああ、キャットコールだ と。


One day, I was walking in town, in the afternoon. I dressed like, a T-shirt and big trouser, hiding my body figure. I even did not put makeup. And suddenly unknown guy called me out. I ignored. But he continued. I found some not-good intention.And I realized that

"Wow, this is catcalling."

 (Catcall=street harassment)




One day I went for dinner with two of my friends. It was evening. Those friends are men and I felt safe that I would not be catcalled. But unknown guys, maybe they were tipsy, were telling someting to me, ONLY ME. I couldn't catch that and my friend told me that this was catcalling don't respond to it.



And a bit long ago. When I was on the bus to be back to where I live, and I think it was 3pm... I was wearing a long skirt and T-shirts. Only anckes, feet, neck and face were not covered by the clothes. Middle aged guy was sitting near from me ,try to talk to me and touched my thigh. I resisted but he did several times. Maybe he was also drunk. um... 



Having a white skin and Asian face, some give me harsh words. Discriminative remarks. I also look like Chinese, so some give me discriminative remarks, making fun of the accent of Chinese language. This Corona situation make some say HEY CORONA! to me.







Adding these discrimination to Asians, there are also harassing things to women.

How difficult to live as Asian woman...




"There is a problem with those who get sexual harassment. You dress like attracting men, sexually." Some people say.

But, according to my experience and other's experience. How we dress will never be an excuse.




AND. Those who should be blamed is those who harasses others.

Why do we have to give up what we want to wear?




To be loved is pleasant.

To be complimented about how I look, I think I like it.






Gazing by the unknown, especially if there is sexual objectification, I feel uneasy.  






How you think, it is your freedom. Human nature propably make human sexually attracted by others. But take a deep breath and wait, before telling how you think towards others. How do others feel when you tell this to them? 



And relating this topic, I found two inspiring quotes.


"She's someone's sister/mother/daughter/wife"

"Teach girls to be somebodies not somebody's"



"Think about that those who are harassing, are also the daughter of someone else. Can you do the same to your daughter too?" These days, some people says this kind of things and blame for sexual harassment. Men's intention to protect women and speak up for us, is very nice. But I think this remark leads to allowing the structure that women are suborinated to men. It is true that we are someone's daughter, sister, mother or wife.



But I am me myself. I am noone's property. 




Anyways. This is not only in Africa. In Japan, still exists. Please reflect back yourself, have you ever harassed someone? Not only from men to women but also from women to men. AND 



"I am sorry, I was drunk." will never be the excuse!




まじ何書くんや(現状報告)/ I don't know what to write...(Me these days)






コロナの脅威がどんどん世界中に広まってきたころ、東アジア人である私含めた日本人留学生は少しずつ人から向けられる視線があまり嬉しくないものだということに気づき始めました。物乞いをしている子供に鼻を塞がれながら"Give me money"と言われたことはかなりの衝撃でした。一番最初に中国でコロナが発生したこと知ってるんだね。



























ザンジバル旅3日目&最終日/Trip to Zanzibar Day3 and Day4




The corona issue is becoming worse and worse these days. Here in Rwanda, we are now in qurantine time. At least for 2weeks as the goverenment said. It is very hard for me to be forbidden to go outside even to see my friends. I heard the difficult situation in Japan, too. Are you fine?



While many countries promised to provide monetary support to the citizen, I got the news that Japanese government is planning to get citizen a gift voucher especially for expensive Japanese beef and traveling. Of course there are many criticisms for this plan. Then Japanese government also consider to give citizen a gift voucher for fish. Hello Japan, what are you thinking? I understand it is good to give gift voucher to people in order to stimulate the economy so that people cannot just bring the money to the account, not bringing money to the market. But for me I think what should be done now is to support citizen's decent life rather than encouraging us to spend money a lot.



Anyways. This article is about thw trip to Zanzibar, 3rd day and the last day.



Our 3rd day in Zanzibar was started at the fashinable cafe.




We could have drinks at the highest stage of the cafe! In Zanzibar, the tempreture was constantly around 30℃ and it was too humid. But there, it was comfortable. Ginger tea I had was also awesome. Some people used a laptop there. I think this is more fashinable than doing work with Macbook in Starbuck. (Many Japanese think it's cool)



We enjoyed relaxing time and next we went to the famous restaurant.




You can have biriyani. And also there are a lot of other menu like Western foods. You can have almost whatever you want.



After enjyoing biriyani, we went to the place, where I thought the biggest aim of this day and this trip.



奴隷博物館(Former Slave Market Site)




If you really studied world history, I am sure that you know those in Africa was sold as slave, to many countries like Europe. They were forced to work under the terrible situation.



There were two parts in this museum. First one is the explanation and another one is the church.



For the first part, there were many explanation about the history of slavery trade and the profiles of Muslim traders of slaves and the brutal acts they did. 



The most impressive panel for me was the last one.


「今日における奴隷制度」"Slavery Today"




YES, slavery is not the thing in the past such as child slaves and sex slave. It's not the story of long ago.



Maybe now there are many people know this things below, as the topic of SDGs and social business are very common for people in Japan.





Clothes you now wear

Coffee you are now drinking

Smartphone you are using to read my blog



By these kind of things have possiblity that you complicate to the slavery issue.







In the last panel it says: modern day slavery is defined as a relationship in which one person controlled and exploited by another, usually by the use of threat of violence, for the purpose of profit, sex, servitude or the thrill of domination... 



By seeing this panel, I thought kind of slavery still exsits in Japan too



I think the power of an employee and an employer should be equal. This is just how I felt, but I think in many Japanese companies, the power of the employers are too much strong. Even it is becoming a threat to the employees. Especially in "black company" (a company providing harsh working environment for workers), workers are exploited too much.



So. Slavery is not the thing which is far away from us.



2nd part of this museum is church. It was very beautiful. I couldn't imagine that slave trade was there before. Still, here there is an English service.





Well, from now it is about dinner of this day. Japanese dish which we really wanted to eat...!







As we were to depart Zanzibar, we had a bit fancy dinner. We talked a lot. Really a lot. 



After that, Two human vaccums (guess who they are!) went to food stand to get Zanzibar pizza even we had a dinner.



And we slept really early.



On 4th day, the last day, others took earlier flight than me so they left in the morning and I saw around Zanzibar alone before leaving for the airport. 



And and, chapter 2 for this trip is.... PARIS


Bon voyage!!