

国際関係学科 って結局なんやったん? / What did you learn in the department of IR then?







You know, university is often called as JUST A PLACE TO PREPARE FOR A JOB in Japan... Well, for me these days, I am gradually figuring out my learning through fives years in the department of International Relations. Moreover, just recently, I got to know what is "International Relations" actually. (I know it is kind of late though) Me, who were (are now, too!) eager to work in the filed of so-called international coopeation, once thought that I might have been chosen the department in a wrong way while seeing those doing international cooperation as a profession.



But now I can say, this study to capture the international society from the various aspects such as economics, politcs, culture etc... shaped me now and I am so greatful for it. There were many times that I looked into me myself deeper and deeper while learning about things outside of my home country. I tried to be active on things throughout these five years, and I had many opportunities to learn from the activities. I am always thankful for eveyone who have given me many chances.


世界の構造を捉える勉強が多かったからか、いかに自分がこの構造の中に居て、被害者となる場面もあれば加害者ともなっていることに気づかされました。BLMあたりでよく耳にするようになった(と思う)マイクロアグレッションとか、そういうあたりの話しです。それからはほんと、「あ、これは」と思っては修正する、の繰り返しでした。ガンディーの名言に"You must be the change you wish to see the world. (あなたが見たい変化にあなた自身がなりなさい)"と言うものがありますが、世界を見つめながら、「こんな社会になればいいな」と思いつつ、自分からまずは変えていく。自分の足元や、その周りからもっと良くしていく。そういう風に意識を向けられるようになったのは、明らかに国際関係学科での学びがあってこそだな、と思います。

Studying International Relations made me realize where I am standing in this complex society, and how I can be a victim for certain issue, and how I can also be an offender

for certain issue too. It is closely related to microagression, probably you have heard about it from Black Lives Matter, I guess.  Since then, I am making mistakes, and fix them. Again and again. There is a famous quotes from Gandhi saying "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Make changes whithin myself, while also seeing the world, and imaging the society that I wish to have. This development of my mindset, I surely owe to the study of International Relations.



"University students are in a summer vacation of the life", is the popular expression to describe university students in Japan. But I think the timw in the university is the time for you to deepen your thoughts over and over.



I knew that my academic score(expect for English I hope!) was not sufficient to get into the university by the ordinary test. I entered this university by the interview, essay, and an English exam only. Yet, the study at the university was not about what I had been doing by the time in high school. To seek the answer to the issue with no definite correct answer was sometimes hard, however, I felt happy when I found how far I came while being surrounded by fantastic friends. 



I will graduate from the university soon (if my dissertation passes...), and will be working in a company. I hope that I will keep learning and trying to work on things with no correct answer.